33 – Our Brand is Boring, Burnt Crisis

This week we review Burnt, Our Brand is Crisis, and Truth. They’re all a little bit boring, so we recommend better movies of the same type: Wag the Dog and Primary Colors.

Bored as Hell Podcast - This week's episode


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Burnt – Bradley Cooper channels Gordon Ramsay, and you would’ve been better watching 2 episodes of Hell’s Kitchen. This is instead like the food it’s about: overwrought and fussy, rather than being bold and powerful. Andy has a more full review here, but [spoiler alert] he gives it a 4/10.

Our Brand is Crisis – In a movie about politics being a fun, contact sport, why you gotta be so boring and uptight? We need more Billy Bob. Spoilers about the ending, but mostly that the ending is awful. Andy’s more full review here, he gives it a 5/10, Adam gives it a 3.5/10.

Truth – If you’re going to call your movie “Truth”, you better bring it. This did not. Don’t cast Robert Redford as Dan Rather. Don’t make a movie about such an interesting event and make it so boring. Don’t take such a talented cast and make them boring. Just don’t. Andy’s more full review here, but he gives this a 3.5/10.

All three of these movies are a little bit boring, so we recommend better movies of the same type: Wag the Dog and Primary Colors,  both of which came out within a year of one another and are both kinda sorta about Bill Clinton era politics.


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