Tag Archives: holiday movies

77 – Bad Santa Rules Don’t Apply to Moana

Another big holiday movie weekend with Bad Santa 2, Rules Don’t Apply, and MoanaBad Santa 2 is a pale imitation of the first, but at least we get more Thurman Merman. Rules Don’t Apply is overstuffed and too long, but it’s great seeing Warren Beatty play crazy Howard Hughes. The best of the week is Disney’s Moana. Adam has a problem choosing between it and Kubo. Lin-Manuel Miranda, David Bowie, and Jermaine Clement.

Bored as Hell Podcast - This week's episode


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You’re welcome!

24 – The 33 All-American Reasons to Hate the Coopers

This week we review The 33,  My All-American, and Love the Coopers. They’re. . .moving pictures! (Barely) Content warning: This episode may contain graphic descriptions of a horrible Christmas movie and includes Christmas music. . . luckily all by Stephen Colbert. Also, if you hate the Texas Longhorns football team. . .or coal mining. . . you have been warned.

Bored as Hell Podcast - This week's episode


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Love the Coopers – a Christmas movie about a family. And they’re all “wacky”– no, they’re just awful. And the dog narrates it? 0 stars. 0/10. The worst movie of the year.

My All-AmericanPlays more like a made-for-tv movie they would show to people to try to recruit them to come to the University of Texas football program. From the writer of Rudy and Hoosiers, so you can guess where this is going. Andy re-enacts the opening scene featuring a doe-eyed reporter from The Daily Texan student newspaper and old coach Aaron Eckhardt in old man makeup. We hate to call your life a cliche, Freddie Steinmark, but. . . Still, not terrible. Just not great. 4/10.

The 33 – True story of the Chilean miners trapped below ground. Should’ve been more heroic, but was mostly just boring. There’s still a few good things in here. 5/10

We don’t have any recommendations, except to go back and listen to last week’s episode. Because James Bond.