Tag Archives: Shailene Woodley

67 – The Blair Witch’s Baby Snowden Nostalgia Sequel

Remember. . .  The Blair Witch? ‘Member. . . Bridget Jones? ‘Member. . . Oliver Stone? Yes, this week we’ve got Bridget Jones’s BabyBlair Witch, and Snowden. If any of those movies sound interesting to you, you are probably going to like them. If you don’t like rom-coms, horror, or paranoid real-life techno-thrillers, respectively, you probably won’t.

Bored as Hell Podcast - This week's episode


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Bridget Jones’s Baby gives the core audience exactly what it wants, but doesn’t tread a ton of new ground. Still, very funny, and Ed Sheeran shows up. Andy give is 6/10 and has a more full review here.

Blair Witch makes Adam want to go camping even less. They’ve taken the first movie to its next level. Adam was scared and had a great time, giving it an 8/10 and a more full review here.

Snowden is complicated but ultimately boring. Amazing acting, but Stone is all over the place as director. It’s both paranoid and naive at the same time. Andy give is 6/10 and has a more full review here. Congratulations– after reading and listening to this, you’re probably on a government watchlist.